What To Think About When Meditating (Before, During, and After)
From the moment we wake up, our minds wonder about the things we need to accomplish throughout the day. What are we behind on? What do we need to get done at work? How can I nail that presentation and impress my boss and clients?
Since our daily activities can highly affect our mental health, meditating is essential to allow time for our minds to rest. Many of us meditate to take a break, get energized, perk up and continue with the rest of our day. Unfortunately for some of us, meditating may not be as productive as we would want it to be. This is usually because of the distracting thoughts that come into mind during your much-needed alone time.
The Lovetuner is a revolutionary mindfulness tool that will enhance your meditation routine and help you reach true meditative state with a clear mind. The Lovetuner combines a simple yet profound breathing exercise with the 528hz healing frequency. The Lovetuner gives you an audible feedback, so as you focus on your exhale and hear the soothing tone of the 528hz frequency you will find yourself entering a deep state of meditation withing a few breathing cycles.
How can we focus on meditating effectively? Is there a trick to forgetting your troubles during your meditation sessions? If they are bothering you, here is a simple guide with tips that you can follow before, during, and after your meditation schedule.
Things to do before you meditate
Know your reasons
Before you start with your meditation, grab a notebook and make a list of your what’s, why’s, and how’s. What are your goals? Why do you need to meditate? How can you achieve your wellness objectives?
For many people that get started with meditation, it is easy to try it to relieve stress, anxiety, and more, but many of us forget that a successful meditation requires consistency. Since it is a wonderful habit that we are planning on building, knowing the reasons why you need to do it will make your journey more realistic.
Plan your schedule
Morning meditation is a favorite time for many of us since it can be very calming to start the day with a positive mind. We recommend keeping your Lovetuner by your bedside. Instead of picking up your phone first thing in the morning, take a moment for yourself and grab your Lovetuner. With just 6 breathing cycles you will start your day in a positive vibration.
Do the tasks you need to do
It can sometimes be difficult to enter a meditative state when your mind is racing with all the tasks that you need to do today. Instead of letting your to do list keep you from meditating, embrace this moment for yourself. Meditation or even just a short breathing break with the Lovetuner can provide you clarity and the energy you need to complete your tasks.
Acknowledge that it does not have to be perfect
According to Harvard Health Publishing, when you are having an intrusive thought, it is okay to accept it. Do not try to make it go away. In fact, although they “make you feel uneasy”, they are common during a meditation session. ( )
When a negative thought enters your mind, it doesn’t mean meditation isn’t working for you. Since our minds are used to being constantly on, it is normal to get these thoughts even if you just want to take a break. If you think about forgetting to do your laundry or replying to an email, learn to accept the reminder and continue with your meditation.
When these thoughts arise, focus on your breathing. The Lovetuner is extremely helpful in reaching the state of no mind as it not only pushes you to focus on your breath, but the soothing sound of the 528hz frequency helps to keep anxious thoughts from entering your mind .
Things you can think about during meditation
Your breathing patterns
The key to mindfulness meditation and other ways of introspection begins with the way you breathe. When you feel like your mind is starting to wander, focus your attention on your breathing patterns.
There are many different breathing patterns you can employ, but the beauty of the Lovetuner is the simplicity of the breathing exercise. Simply take a deep inhale and hold your exhale for as long as you comfortably can. The audible feedback helps to hold a steady exhale and encourages you to elongate your exhale.
Close your eyes and take a few minutes to scan your body. When you do a body scan, you will focus on a particular area of your body and check what you feel in each part. If there are sections that feel stiff such as your arm or back, slowly loosen up and let them relax. Change positions and allow yourself to find a good pose you can hold for a couple of minutes.
Your environment
What are the things you can feel? Is it warm, cold, or can you feel a gentle breeze in your skin? Take the opportunity to notice the things you are too busy to observe when you are busy throughout your day. If you are using a mindfulness tool such as our Lovetuner, see how it feels on your fingers and lips. Notice the way it sounds and how it helps with your meditation.
The things you are grateful for
If you want to stop overthinking during meditation, remembering positive thoughts can be very effective. What are the things you are grateful for? Even the simplest things such as the way you were able to make your bed can rewire your thinking and may enhance your calming session.
Your mantra
Mantras are usually word affirmations we think about during meditation. They can help us focus and control our thoughts, and you can choose the mantra that applies to you. To help you stay in the moment, say things such as “I am relaxed,” or “I am beginning to heal.”
Your inspiration
Thinking about the people who inspire you, your dreams, aspirations, can also be effective to calm your mind. Since it is a positive reminder of what you want to be, your inspiration can help you tune your body to the present.
Things to do after your meditation
Reflect on your thoughts
After your meditation, remember what thoughts always make their way during your session. Are they the things that make you angry, sad, or happy? Why do you think they are bothering you? Is there a way to address them? Since meditations can be wonderful to check in with your different emotions, take some time to understand them.
Relax and reward yourself
Completing your meditation is a great accomplishment. Avoid rushing to your next appointments and take your chance to relax and have fun. Take a sip of water, walk to the park, or write in your journal.
Think about your next reflection session
What are the things you can improve on in your next session? Even the simplest things such as changing your music, chair, or cushion can bring a good change to your meditation journey.
Meditation for beginners
It is okay to struggle during meditation, especially when you are just beginning. When you feel like your thoughts are too jumbled, remember why you are meditating in the first place.
When you are learning the basics of meditation, it is easy to fall into the trap of wanting to be “in the zone” as fast as you can. Unfortunately, forcing things will just get you frustrated.
Give yourself the chance to ease into the process. Allow your mind to rest by taking things slow, and starting with deep, conscious breaths.
The Lovetuner is a wonderful tool for people new to meditation. It takes no training to use the Lovetuner, while it is a great enhancement to your deep meditation routine, it can also be a short cut to meditation any time you need a quick breathing break.
Originally published at https://www.lovetuner.com on August 5, 2022.